I rarely post specifically personal updates here, but I wanted to share that this week I started working part-time with…

Reflections on a twenty-year year-out…
I vividly remember the first day. It was only a few weeks after leaving my nice ordinary job in a…

Discussing Marriage Plans with the Queen
Like many, I have been strangely moved by the death of our Queen. As a mere 45-year old, she has…

Glory, Glory, Hallelujah!
One of the things I love about the Bible is the experience that as God works, phrases you have read…
New Look… almost
A big shout out to the talented John Millist of https://brighteyecreative.co.uk/ who has helped us develop our lovely new logo.…

The direction of blessing
1 May God be gracious to us and bless us and make his face shine on us –2 so that your ways may be…

Be warned – update in process
I’m in the middle of an exercise which has involved selling one website, and moving two others onto a new…

We are “endurance and patience with great joy” people
There are many wonderful prayers in the Bible, but one of my favourites has to be Paul’s prayer in Colossians…

Coffee Spoons and the Creation Mandate
There’s a line about time that sticks in my memory from senior school English lessons : “I have measured out…

Grasping in two directions
During our evening services we’re currently taking a slow (but not slow enough) walk through the Upper Room Discourse –…