One of the things I love about the Bible is the experience that as God works, phrases you have read…

The direction of blessing
1 May God be gracious to us and bless us and make his face shine on us –2 so that your ways may be…

Grasping in two directions
During our evening services we’re currently taking a slow (but not slow enough) walk through the Upper Room Discourse –…

Uncertainty, Faith and First Importance
My family and I have been living through a somewhat extended time of fairly significant uncertainty. The details are unimportant,…

What would Jesus do?
It’s been a long time since I’ve posted on here. For both of you who read it, sorry! However, the…

Cultivating an attitude of gratitude
As a family we took advantage of the sunny Bank Holiday to visit a local National Trust garden and enjoy…

Towards an unconscious competence in praise!
Perhaps you have seen this common learning model illustrated in the diagram? The idea is that when we learn a…

The grace that keeps us going
Last Saturday night the clocks went back – which in many people’s worlds is an opportunity for an extra hour…

The Harvest is Ready – preaching and the plausibility gap
Sometimes preaching can be a frustrating old thing. I was preaching this Sunday on John 4:27-38. A wonderful passage, but…

The need to know, or not…
I had a number of defining moments at university, but there is one that I have been reminded of a…