On Sunday we resumed our episodic series in the book of Matthew with Jesus’ wonderful parable of the Wedding Feast…
Author: admin

The Parable of the Apple Crumble
Our world’s gone mad. We’ve lost sight of the fact that things can be different and yet equal. Which reminds…

Use words if necessary – Keller on the Gospel
At our Sunday morning gathering we were discussing some of the implications of our Bible teaching together and someone quoted…

Time and relative dimensions in theology
I’ve just returned from a holiday with my family and the time away led me to reflect on time. The…
Dangerous Calling
I am more and more convinced that what gives a ministry its motivations, perseverance, humility, joy, tenderness, passion, and grace…

The goodness of Good Friday
As I have been preparing to speak on Jesus’ last words on the cross at our service on Friday, I’ve…
Time for a new look
Please bear with us as we fiddle… … I think that will have to do for now. Hope to do…

Catching trains, parenting and the gospel
I needed to get the train, but that involved getting two little girls in the car. For me, the pressing…
Saul the substitute prophet – or a King-sized mistake addendum
Yesterday I had the great privilege of preaching on 1 Samuel 14 at the church where I serve. Time didn’t…

Finding the right kind of water in the midst of the mould
Water is a dirty word in our house at the moment. It is leaking through our roof. When it isn’t…