I recently led a session at church on this topic, and have gathered together some of the resources mentioned for…
Author: admin

Uncertainty, Faith and First Importance
My family and I have been living through a somewhat extended time of fairly significant uncertainty. The details are unimportant,…

Orlando Saer – Breath of Life – Review
One of the most sad and paradoxical facts of the Christian sub-culture is the way in which the one who…

Leadership lessons in unexpected places – the power of encouragement
One of the things I love about being sabbatical is the way new experiences and old texts come together in…

What would Jesus do?
It’s been a long time since I’ve posted on here. For both of you who read it, sorry! However, the…

Keller on character
I’ve just been reading Keller’s excellent book Preaching: Communicating Faith in an Age of Scepticism. It is full of gems…

Cultivating an attitude of gratitude
As a family we took advantage of the sunny Bank Holiday to visit a local National Trust garden and enjoy…

Towards an unconscious competence in praise!
Perhaps you have seen this common learning model illustrated in the diagram? The idea is that when we learn a…

Prayer is the heart engaged in loving awe
Last Sunday we were tackling Habakkuk’s prayer (from Habakkuk 3) at Grace Church Wrecclesham. For me, one of the striking…

On prayer and the ministry of the word
I’ve just had the wonderful privilege of spending a few days away at a conference for Church Leaders, and during…