“How great is the love the Father has lavished on us, that we should be called children of God!” (1…
Preaching on Hell
I have just read a wonderful sermon by Tim Keller on the subject of Hell. In it he suggests that…
Life of Jesus for the iPhone
A friend of mine has recently produced an iPhone app which is a comic strip version of the life of…
Content when life is hard
I had the daunting privilege of preaching on this subject last night. I will post an audio link when it…
Some great video resources
We are very excited by the prospect of the Passion for Life mission next year and hope you and your…
Calling all preachers
Here’s a great site that I have only just discovered: http://biblicalpreaching.net/ Full of really practical and wise advice for those…
Go on… encourage your pastor
I have heard good things about the Living Leadership project, which hosts an annual conference for those in pastoral ministry,…
Why we sing Cross-centred songs
Here’s a really helpful post from CJ Mahaney. Even though he mis-spells ‘centred’, go read it!
Living Simply
I’ve been having a look this morning at an interesting campaign from the Evangelical Alliance called Simplify. It’s a great…