Just a quick post to say I cannot commend this highly enough… I have been reading this book in my…
Disciple-Maker Makers, or why we need to focus more on vines than trellises
I have just returned from a holiday in a well-known wine-growing region of France, but that is not why I…
The Ordinary Hero
I am rapidly become a big Tim Chester fan. I am reading a couple of his books at the moment…
Jesus Driven Ministry (ch5)
In some ways this is one of the hardest chapters to summarise because it ranges over several topics, yet I…
Jesus Driven Ministry (ch4)
It has been a while since I have had time to do any non-essential reading, and so it is rather…
Jesus Driven Ministry (ch3)
This third chapter is called ‘Affirmed by God.’ Fernando argues that: “The ministry is so challenging that when we think…
Jesus Driven Ministry (ch2)
Having highlighted our need to identify with the people we are ministering to, Fernando secondly emphasises the importance of ministering…
Jesus Driven Ministry (ch1)
In deference to my reader in Suffolk (you know who you are!), rather than just plugging this book I thought…
A book on the go…
Whiter than snow. (that all rhymes – how lovely!) This is a refreshing little series of meditations on Psalm 51.…
Christian Youth Work (2)
Great quote from another youthwork book I’m reading at the mo: The ancient world knew nothing of the ‘teenager’, and…