If you’re looking for a gift for a Christian loved-one this Christmas, here are two recommendations…
I recently had the privilege of attending a day on prayer run by Paul Miller and his team. It was a hugely encouraging and liberating day – great to know that I’m not the only one who struggles with prayer, and wonderful to have some helpful theological reminders and practical tips on how to pray.
Perhaps most helpful was the insight that the gospel affects prayer too. We don’t come to Jesus as people that have everything sorted, but as the weary and heavy-laden seeking rest, as the broken and sinful needing cleansing and redemption. So why should we expect our prayers to be perfect? The day was a wonderful reminder about the way we can approach God as His children – with messy and imperfect requests – and a loving Father who delights to give good gifts to His children.
And Paul has written a book which largely covers the same ground as the day seminar – called A Praying Life. I can’t recommend it enough!
This week I’m preparing a sermon all about ‘Why Christians Sing’ and have been considering the whole area of the ‘worship’ life of churches (and yes – I know that ‘worship’ is an all of life thing and not just about singing, but it is a helpful label here!). An outstandingly good book on the whole area of ‘Worship’ is called Worship Matters by Bob Kauflin.
Full of good theology and practical advice from someone with oodles of experience in this area. Well worth a look if you are involved in leading worship in church in any way – as a musician, pastor, service-leader etc.
oooo We’ve just read the Paul Millar book- very jealous you got to hear him for a day- loved the book- and have crazy desire to pray lots as a result- which has NEVER happened after reading a book on prayer before!
Lets have some KC/Sweeting time soon eh!